Saturday, September 06, 2008

Two years?!

Looking back, this blog has been around for 2 years. And what have I got to show for it? Nothing!!

Wow... This really makes me realize how much time I waste not working on things that I really should be working on. I really do think about White Currents all the time, and I'd like to get things rolling. So why can't I get things started?!

Well, I know I say this all the time, but ... it's about time I buckle down and get to work.

Right now I'm working on a world bible for the story world. The contents of the bible, or at least parts of it, will be uploaded to the White Currents website, as soon as I get it up. The bible will cover all aspects of the world, from geography, history, politics, notable characters, ships... anything and everything I can think of to put into this publication. I may even write entries for the bible here in the blog. In fact, I may just do that on a daily basis just so I can keep up momentum.

On top of that, I also have several story ideas brewing for the story world. The first one I will do will still be the debut Saphiel story, taking place in an old abandoned castle. The format for the story hasn't been decided yet full, but I'm guessing I'll do it in Flash. We'll see.

Considering that I'm doing full time work at an animation studio now, though, getting the time in to do all this work will be a monumental effort. We'll see how long it lasts. Hopefully, this will be the true start to actual production.