Thursday, September 07, 2006


It's nice having a break. I think I was burnt out of the whole plotting/writing thing for the last little while, especially after the prospect of rewriting the entire script over again. After all, I had been obsessing over White Currents for several weeks before, constantly thinking of the story and nothing else. It was bound to happen, I guess.

The past couple of weeks were pretty relaxing, actually. Most of it was spent on a new obsession: flight. I was particularly interested in learning to be a pilot. I always wanted to be a pilot and had a love of flying. This will probably be evident in White Currents itself, as the premise is all about an entire world that's set in the skies. When I was in middle and high school, I guess the arts minded side of me took over and my dreams of flying became second hand. Lately, though, I've been reconsidering and for a while, I was seriously thinking of changing my career goals and trying out to become a commercial airline pilot. After some thought, I decided I'll just take it up as a hobby instead.

So now I'm back to the writing mood, and started on the revised script. It's more like a completely new script, since I'm starting from scratch. The story's replotted and I think it'll be a lot more coherent this time around, thankfully. Being back in school next week will help out too. It'll be good to be surrounded by other creative people to help with motivation.